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Our phones are ringing off the hook with calls about flu. We are seeing record-breaking numbers this year! We thought it may be helpful to provide a list of resources and interesting articles about this year’s Flu.

Flu Symptoms & Complications – A quick read with all the essential info from the CDC

The Flu & Kids – A quick read with all the essential info from

Is It The Flu Or A Cold? – Blog post from Seattle Mama Doc, Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson

FAQs for Flu 2017-2018 – Season-specific information from the CDC

Preventing the Flu – Pediatric-friendly Flu resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Treating with TamiFlu – Benefits and risks of treating Flu in children with antiviral medication from the CDC

The Basics of Flu – Handout about Flu for all ages – from Up to Date

At the end of the day, if you suspect you or your child has Flu, the best treatment for those who are not considered ‘high-risk’ is fluids, rest, and acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed for pain.

If Flu has yet to ‘arrive’ at your house, keep in mind the best prevention for any illness is frequent handwashing!