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Dr. Grady’s Farewell

Dr. Grady’s Farewell

Dearest GROW families and friends, We have some important news for you. After several years of serving families at GROW Pediatrics, Dr. Leigh Grady will be leaving the group. Her last day will be on Friday, November 5th, 2021. We understand how deeply this news can...
Covid-19 Swabs & Limited Availability

Covid-19 Swabs & Limited Availability

Effective immediately, we are no longer able to accommodate appointments for Covid-19 testing for the purposes of exposure or school/travel clearance, for asymptomatic patients ages 3 and up. If your child already has such an appointment scheduled, we’re aware...
Baby Formula Recall

Baby Formula Recall

The FDA has issued a recall on eight types of very specific infant formulas, manufactured overseas and sold online. The recall is due to insufficient iron levels in the formula, and the company’s failure to label appropriately to inform parents of this. Details...
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children

COVID-19 Vaccine for Children

We’re happy to answer questions that our GROW families may have about the COVID-19 vaccine and children. We’re excited to be working with the state to secure the vaccine here in the clinic, and are hoping that we will have it available to you next month!...
Grandparent hugs, post-vaccine

Grandparent hugs, post-vaccine

Good news all around! We know that our little ones will be happy to resume Grandparent hugs; and countless Grandparents will be even happier. The following is a link to American Academy of Pediatric guidance on vaccinated family members and their contact with...

FAQs From Post-Visit Surveys

Late last year we began sending out post-visit surveys. These have proven to be both a nice pat on the back for our fabulous staff, and a great forum for feedback. We have noticed a few recurring questions, and thought a blog post addressing them was warranted! “Why...